This recipe serves 1 serving
Nutrition per serving: 395 calories; 31.2g of protein; 11g of carbohydrates; 4g of fiber; 26.5g of fat.
1 egg
1 scoop of almond flour
1 scoop of Garden of Life Flax & Chia Blend
1 scoop of Vital Proteins
1/3 cup of Orgain Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup of Shredded Muzzarella
1tsp of Baking Powder
Tomato Sauce
Salt to taste
Mix all the ingredients in bowl
Shape a pizza into a small pan (make a thin dough, using your hand)
Bake it at 350 degrees farenheit for 10 minutes or until golden brown
Remove from the oven, add the tomato sauce and topping of your choice (I used 1/2 cup of muzzarella cheese).
Bake it for another 10 minutes until cheese is melted
Serve and Enjoy!